“Since coming out publicly in his teens, Ryan Cassata has been a voice for the ethical protections of trans youth, actively challenging the status quo of the standard trans narrative. In his new song, “Daughter”, Ryan again shows us that being trans is an individualized story. ”
My release for "Daughter" has been everything I have hoped for. I honestly, thought that I was going to get a lot of hate from inside the trans masculine community for the lyrical content of the song, but hey, that didn't happen. I think it was because so many people expressed how much they related and how much they understood the lyrics in their own way. I think the love scared the haters off! The video was released in Billboard Magazine, and TomboyX and Huffington Post also covered the story. It was also featured in one of my favorite magazines Accidental Bear, and also in several indie blogs like: Listen Here Reviews, Human.Co, RTP Music Blog, Yab Yum Music & Arts, and MySoCalledGayLife.UK. I feel so blessed for all the support I have gotten so far! The song has also been placed in 214 playlists on Spotify already (by people like you)! According to my Spotify stats, people have listened to the song an average of 6 times.
But press and stats aside, the response from the community has been incredible. Dozens of people have DM'd me on Instagram telling me that they finally came out to their parents because they finally had the words to express themselves. People told me that they have never fully related to a song until "Daughter" came out. People told me that they showed their parents the song and their parents finally get them. This is why I wanted to put this song out there. I wrote this song for my dad and it was totally for fun. Then I realized, this song could probably help someone's parents or help a trans person. And it has. And I'm so happy and amazed. I'm grateful. I'm so grateful because I was able to create something that was said simply enough that so many people could understand it. I was able to create something that has an impact on the community and family members of the community. I was able to create something that makes people's struggles so much easier.
I have gathered some quotes from members of the community (mostly artists) for your reading.
“Ryan’s expression of the transformation that is transition is nothing short of a masterpiece. His courageous depiction of what many of us feel deep down is so powerfully moving it brings me to tears every time. As an actor and musician, who also happens to be a trans man, I’m heartened and inspired by Ryan’s bold sincerity. I am honored to be a part of his momentous brilliance.”
“Being the proud father of a trans man, Ryan’s song, to me, symbolizes love, family, and a father’s realization that love has no boundaries. Most parents do not realize or take the time to understand that it is every child’s dream to be loved truly unconditionally by their parents, or the disgraceful dishonor they do their children by raising them without it. This song sends a vital message to all parents to not shatter that dream. It reminds parents that as our children grow, change, and transform into themselves, they will always be ours. Therefore, it is our duty to love and guide them, never to judge.”
“Being “daddy’s little girl,” is such a relatable role for so many FTM trans people. I find the phrase “I’ll always be your little girl,” quite powerful. It’s obvious the father and child share the same bond they always did, just with a different label, and as a trans person myself I find that so inspiring.”
“Ryan Cassata’s “Daughter” tells the story we all have in us as we find ourselves; there’s beauty in the struggle, but together we’ll overcome.”
“I really love Ryan Cassata’s new video, “Daughter.” I really identify with the relationship he has with his dad and I can’t wait to show it to my dad!”
“Ryan’s music video/song “Daughter” shows a mature coming-to-terms journey with his identity, his past and the ones around him. It delivers the important message that as we transition, we change externally to match who we’ve always been inside but we don’t change as a “person.” Everyone experiences being trans differently, and this is his story.
“Despite Ryan forewarning that “Daughter” was emotional, I wasn’t prepared to choke back tears. Individual experiences vary, but our collective battle for authenticity, not subjugated to societal norms, is a painful struggle that binds many at a core level. Even if you don’t share his experience, I’m confident this song will make many listeners stop and feel something.”
The music video production was sponsored by TomboyX and was shot and edited by Maxine Bowen.